Historical Stock Price Analysis

This report analyzes key performance indicators (KPIs) for a selection of major companies, focusing on stock prices, trading volume, and monthly trends. The data reveals both strong performers and potential areas of concern.

Market Observations

  • Overall Market Activity: Average daily trading volume across the analyzed companies sits at a healthy 29.64 million shares.

  • Stock Price Dispersion: The average stock price of $420.8 masks a significant range, with Amazon reaching a high of $1,656 and Apple a low of $60.

  • Recent Market Trends: November and December saw the highest average stock prices, followed by a drop in January. This could indicate a recent market correction.

Company Performance Highlights

  • Leaders in Market Value: Amazon tops the chart with an average price of $1,656, followed by Google at $1,221. Both companies demonstrate high trading volume as well (4M and 2M respectively).

  • High-Volume Trading: Apple leads in average daily volume with a staggering $138 million, followed by Tesla's 33 million. This suggests strong investor interest in these companies.

  • Potential Value Growth: While currently at a lower price point, Uber demonstrates a strong average daily volume (891.5) which could indicate room for future price growth.


Given the recent price drop in January, further investigation into potential market factors is recommended. This could involve analyzing economic indicators, company-specific news, and broader market trends. Identifying the cause of the price movement can help inform investment decisions.

Additional Insights

  • Analyze the correlation between average daily volume and stock price performance for each company to identify potential buying or selling opportunities.

  • Compare the 3-month moving averages with the current stock price to assess if a trend is continuing or reversing.

  • Consider incorporating additional metrics like market capitalization and price-to-earnings ratio for a more comprehensive picture of each company's financial health.

By implementing these recommendations and conducting further analysis, investors can gain a deeper understanding of individual companies and the overall market climate, leading to more informed investment decisions.